The Great Confabulation - Opéra-Comique (2025) - La Grande Affabulation - Opéra-Comique (2025)

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General Information

  • Production title:La Grande Affabulation - Opéra-Comique (2025)
  • Creation date:10/05/2025
  • Work - Composer:La Grande Affabulation - Geoffroy Jourdain
  • Opera house:Opéra-Comique.


"It's an urban legend of the 21st century. It is said that one night, children left their homes, without warning their parents, in a quest known to them and them alone. They had taken food , costumes, stages and songs In their stops, they told each other in music the story of which they were becoming the heroes. It is the story of this initiatory journey that this “great musical fabrication” weaves.

For the masters of the Opéra-Comique, aged 12 to 23, Geoffroy Jourdain and Benjamin Lazar compose a colorful show, where the spirit of the “musical fable” of the beginnings of opera blends to that of processions and popular festivals. Our young performers cannot have better guides in the baroque repertoire where so many forms of union between poetry and music, between dance and song were born.

In this journey, they cross the eras and also glean other music, modern and contemporary, which comes to accompany their mysterious quest."

More information is available on the official website of the opera house.


May 10, 2025 20:00:00

May 11, 2025 15:00:00

May 12, 2025 14:30:00

May 15, 2025 14:30:00

May 16, 2025 20:00:00

