General Information
- Production title:Te Deum - Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (2021)
- Creation date:09/01/2021
- Work - Composer:Te Deum (Charpentier) - Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Opera house:Théâtre des Champs-Élysées.
This program was to be created at the Trinity Chapel in March 2020.
Cast :
Direction: Sébastien Daucé
Caroline Weynants, Caroline Dangin-Bardot, Perrine Devillers | dessus
Marie Pouchelon | bas-dessus
David Tricou, Léo Vermot-Desroches | haute-contre
Antonin Rondepierre, Randol Rodriguez | taille
Ryan Veillet | taille
Etienne Bazola, René Ramos Premier | basse-taille
Nicolas Brooymans, Renaud Bres | basse
More information is available on the official website of the Theater.
January 09, 2021 20:00:00