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The new Erl Festival House
Opening of the new Festival House in Erl, Dec 26 th 2012 Over the last years Erl and the Tyrolean festival have established a highly regarded reputation as a very special hot spot for Wagner performances off the beaten track. Originally Erl is famous for the passion play of Jesus all 10 years. Like Oberammergau the whole population is participating, performing and celebrating all 10 years in remembrance of the pest which has heavenly beaten this area in 1613....

Lohengrin : Wagner's baton
Inscription on the baton (in German): « Taktstock mit welchem Richard Wagner zum ersten Male seinen Lohengrin dirigierte, Frankfurth am Main , 12. 09. 1862 » English translation: Baton used by Richard Wagner to conduct his Lohengrin for the first time. Frankfort-on-Main, Sept. 12, 1862. After this performance of Lohengrin at the Frankfurter Oper on Sept. 12, 1862, under the direction of the composer, Richard...

Jonas Kaufmann recounts Lohengrin
On the occasion of the opening of the opera season 2012-2013, la Scala gives a new production of Lohengrin, opera by Richard Wagner, in a staging by Claus Guth and relying on an impressive cast : René Pape in the role of Heinrich der Vogler, Anja Harteros to embody Elsa, Evelyn Herlitzius lending his face to the character of Ortrud, and Jonas Kaufmann in the title role. And in the context of a long exclusive interview, the tenor presents the work, the way he approaches his role...

Immersed in rehearsals of Lohengrin at la Scala
The year 2013 is marked by a double anniversary, the bicentennial of the birth of Wagner and Verdi, la Scala pays tribute to those two composers : throughout the 2012-2013 season, the Milanese house will propose six productions of Wagner and seven of Verdi. And to open the opera season, as every year on December 7, artistic director Stephane Lissner signs a Lohengrin directed by Claus Guth and carried by a plate of vocal exception : Jonas Kaufmann in the title role,...