A powerful revolution, a strong military touch, dry and frightful is the musical interpretation of Omar Meir Wellber, the young Israeli conductor of the last performance of the Munich festival. He pushes the Bavarian State Orchestra with wide desiring gestures. The musicians follow him with discipline and voluminous power. That does not make it easy for the stars of this repetition of the celebrated new production of Andrea Chenier of this season.

Andrea Chenier
The plot is full of action and participants, driven by the tragic story of the young couple during the French Revolution. Andrea Chenier is a young promising poet, conquering the idealistic admiration of Maddalena, a young aristocrat who herself is chased by the platonic love of Gérard. Originally a servant in the aristocratic household, he is swept over to a leader of the revolution. Philipp Stölzl is a successful filmmaker and sees in Umberto Giordano's verismo opera a script for a realistic film. Skilful, he creates a colourful stage scene by showing palaces and catacombs in profile. The big constructions can be easily moved and without interruption the different scenes are set in a constant flow together. A concept he has already used in his highly regarded production of Cavalleria/ Bajazzo at the Salzburg Festival.
With Anja Harteros and Jonas Kaufmann, the beloved artistic couple of the Munich Opera audience returns after their big success in the premier of this production. After a cautious start, he gains back his warm dark timbre. Some insecurities in the duet of the second act are forgotten once Jonas Kaufmann acclaims in full volume his honor and respect in front of the court. Anja Harteros is booked on loving virgins seeking redemption and fulfilled love. Her interpretation of the aria La Mamma Morta, a classic opera hit well known by famous interprets, is dramatic, lyric, colourful and touching. Her voice has gained color and warm timbre without missing her unforgettable silver height. Ambrogio Maestri has taken over shortly from Luca Salsi the demanding role of Gerard . Not just his corpulent appearance but his big baritone with timbre, full and warm expression are impressive.
With a long, loud and hearty applause, the audience farewells their admired stars and all participants. On the way out satisfied faces are engaged in busy discussion. A lovely warm summer evening is expecting them as well as a return to the opera house in the next season.
Helmut Pitsch
the 15 of August, 2017 | Print