General Information
- Last name:Kim
- First name:Kathleen
- Nationality:Korea, republic of
- Tessitura:Soprano
- Official website URL:www.kathleenkim.com
- Contact:kathleen@kathleenkim.com
the 06 of April, 2026
the 11 of April, 2026
the 14 of April, 2026
the 18 of April, 2026
the 22 of April, 2026
the 25 of April, 2026
the 29 of April, 2026
Mother-in-Law (Pa...
New York
- How did you get into your current profession? Who or what were your influences? Do you have a particular childhood memory?
When I was a child, I used to be a member of Children's Chorus for one of the main broadcasting companies in Korea. So I was on TV every Sunday singing and dancing for a Children's program. Since then I never have stopped singing.
- Tell us about a memory on stage. Your favorite? Your worst?
I just love being on stage. But my favorite part is when I know that the audience is enjoying the performance.
- What is your favorite role? Your favorite composer?
I love every role I do. But I will be doing my first Lucia in next year and I think that will be my favorite role.
I love Mozart and R. Strauss.
- What role would you like to perform?
There are so many roles that I would love to sing. Gilda, Adina, Rosina, Gretel, Sophie - so many...
- How do you deal with stage fright?
Just try to have confidence and PRAY
- With what artist (living or deceased) would you like to perform?
Alfredo Krauss, Roberto Alagna
- What other kinds of music do you like?
I love listening to Jazz
Interpreted in
La Fée
Madame White Snake
Madame White Snake
Chiang Ch’ing
Nixon in China
Mother-in-Law (Patricia)