Dialogues des Carmélites - Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (2024) - Dialogues des Carmélites - Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (2024)

Xl_avatar © Vincent Pontet

General Information


Revival of the 2013 production, already revived in 2018.

"The show imagined by Olivier Py offers a timeless and moving vision of Poulenc's masterpiece.

Some of the female performers will be back for this new series of performances but in different roles. While Véronique Gens will keep her role as Madame Lidoine, Patricia Petibon will be here as Mère Marie de l'Incarnation, a role previously held by Sophie Koch, who will become Madame de Croissy, whose incredible scene of agony on her suspended bed has remained in everyone's memory. These three original "creators" are joined in particular by Vannina Santoni (in her first Blanche de la Force) and Alexandre Duhamel. At the podium for this revival, the American Karina Canellakis and in the pit the musicians of Les Siècles."

More information is available on the official website of the Theater.


December 04, 2024 19:30:00

December 06, 2024 19:30:00

December 08, 2024 17:00:00

December 10, 2024 19:30:00

December 12, 2024 19:30:00


Olivier Py

Karina Canellakis

Alexandre Duhamel

Vannina Santoni (Role debut)

Sahy Ratia

Sophie Koch

Véronique Gens

Patricia Petibon

Marie Gautrot

Ramya Roy

Loïc Félix

Blaise Rantoanina

Yuri Kissin

Yuri Kissin

Matthieu Lécroart

Matthieu Lécroart

Work's characters list



Marquis de la Force

Blanche de la Force

Chevalier de la Force

Madame de Croissy

Madame Lidoine

Mère Marie

Mère Jeanne

Soeur Mathilde


1er commissaire

2ème commissaire



Dr. Javelinot

