General Information
- Production title:Gloria (Poulenc) - Opéra-Orchestre National de Montpellier (2024)
- Creation date:09/03/2024
- Work - Composer:Gloria (Poulenc) - Francis Poulenc
- Opera house:Opéra-Orchestre National de Montpellier.
"A living memory of the shock of Rocamadour where he recovered his faith in 1936, the Gloria of Francis Poulenc, composer "half-monk, half-rogue" according to the expression of Claude Rostand, shines brightly, even if the more intimate pages are not absent from it. Poulenc was amused by the scandal caused by the second part of his great choral symphony: "I thought simply while writing it of these frescoes by Gozzoli where the angels stick out their tongues and also of these brave Benedictines whom I saw one day playing football." Symphony No. 40 did not cause a scandal, but simply became the most popular of Mozart's symphonies. However, a feeling of melancholy grace surfaces in many places, of a beauty as mythical as it is unsurpassable."
More information is available on the official website of the opera house.
March 09, 2024 20:00:00
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