General Information
- Production title:Les Fêtes grecques et romaines - Opéra Royal du Château de Versailles (2024)
- Creation date:04/07/2024
- Work - Composer:Les Fêtes grecques et romaines - François Colin de Blamont
- Opera house:Opéra Royal du Château de Versailles.
Concert version.
"Heroic ballet in three entries (Les Jeux Olympiques, Les Bacchanales, Les Saturnales) and a prologue, to a libretto by Jean-Louis Fuzelier, premiered in Paris in 1723
From their creation in July 1723, Les Fêtes grecs et romaines, the first opera by François Colin de Blamont, attracted success. First, because the form of “ballet” (today we would say “opera-ballet”) is on the rise. Then, because the librettist Jean-Louis Fuzelier had the idea of freeing himself from myths to draw inspiration from History. Thus, the Alcibiades made famous by the dialogues of Plato stands out during the Olympic Games (First Entry), Marc Antoine and Cleopatra celebrate the Bacchanalia (Second Entry), the Latin poet Tibulle courts his dear Délie on the occasion of the Saturnalia. These three celebrations provide the work with a certain variety, from the tragedy of the abandoned lover at the start of the Olympic Games to the gallant tone of the Saturnalia, passing through the drinking arias authorized by the Bacchanalia.
Third element of success, the music of Colin de Blamont. It is part of Lully's heritage. But far from confining himself to imitation, Blamont introduces a few subtleties here and there: such an instrumental tune orchestrated as a trio (with two trebles rather than one and two violas), the importance given to the solo parts dialoguing with certain singers ( flute, trumpet) … In addition, the recitative is interspersed with many “little airs”, melodic, which give it a certain charm.
All this ensured the Greek and Roman Festivals the affection of the public, to the point that, in his Reflections of a painter on the opera, Antoine Gautier de Montdorge speaks of it as “one of the pretty ballets that we know. Everyone agrees on the merit of the poem and the music. The work was revived, always with "great success", at the Royal Academy of Music in 1733 and 1734, then at Fontainebleau in 1739, then again at the Opera in 1741, 1753, 1762 and 1770, without count the recoveries in the provinces. Like many operas of this period, the Greek and Roman Festivals then fell into oblivion to be known only to specialists.
The two young star countertenors, the French Théo Imart and the Italian Nicolò Balducci will combine their sublime voices, particularly easy in the soprano register, to give Vivaldi the bright silver color that suits his music so well. Accompanied by the Royal Opera Orchestra, they will be conducted by Stefan Plewniak, a dazzling violin virtuoso who promises to perform a high-flying version of this work! The director Nicolas Briançon will bring this wonderful musical allegory to life, in the incredible period decor of the Théâtre de la Reine, specially designed for the occasion. An exceptional evening in an intimate and miraculously preserved royal theatre..."
More information is available on the official website of the opera house.
July 04, 2024 20:00:00
Work's characters list
Marc Antoine
Un suivant d’Apollon
Une Egyptienne
Une Bergère