Renaissance Reloaded - Perelada Festival (2024) - Renaissance Reloaded - Festival Perelada (2024)

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General Information

  • Production title:Renaissance Reloaded - Festival Perelada (2024)
  • Creation date:07/08/2024
  • Work - Composer:Récital - Compositeurs divers
  • Opera house:Festival Perelada


Festival order.

"Currently, in our society, being under 40 and dedicating oneself to composing "contemporary classical" music is nothing more than going against the grain and being very brave. And if you are also a woman, the feat is even greater. With Helena Cánovas' work "Intorno a due vermiglie e vaghe labbra", based on Monteverdi's madrigal at the centre of this programme, we have asked our young composers to revisit the polyphony and counterpoint of the Renaissance and configure them again according to their own language. At Music Reloaded, we ask them to download, process and, above all, reload. The musical language of Xavier García Cardona, Joan Magrané, Carles Prat, Helena Cánovas and Josep Ollé will dialogue with compositions by Alonso Lobo, Madalena Casulana and Claudio Monteverdi in a concert that will not be missing the latest from Aurora Bauzá and Pere Jou and a new "Madrigal" by Anna Campany. The result of this commission of the Peralada Festival under the direction of Júlia Sesé and with the participation of the Chamber Choir of the Palau de la Música, is a young and innovative concert honoring the tradition of Western choral music."

More information is available on the official website of the festival.


August 07, 2024 20:00:00

