General Information
- Production title:Voyage vers l'espoir - Grand Théâtre de Genève (2020)
- Creation date:30/03/2020
- Work - Composer:Voyage vers l'espoir - Christian Jost
- Opera house:Grand Théâtre de Genève.
World premiere, in co-production with the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe.
Booklet based on Xavier Koller's film Reise der Hoffnung, which won the only Academy Award (best foreign film) obtained by a Swiss feature film.
The story of a Kurdish family who "abandons his land and his own to reach paradise: Switzerland, a paradise which, like a mirage, fades away more and more at each step and ends up disappearing forever. In a snowstorm, behind the individuals, we distinguish history with a great H: that of the fracture between the worlds, that of bureaucracy, that of the exploitation or good will of some by or for others, once its roots are cut, the family sinks into a fierce world where the human and natural forces will turn all their hopes on its head.After losing their past by leaving their land, father and mother will lose their future by losing their son ".
More information is available on the official website of the Theater.
Following the measures adopted by the government as part of the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, the opera house had to cancel all performances of this production.
March 30, 2020 20:00:00
April 01, 2020 20:00:00
April 03, 2020 20:00:00
April 05, 2020 15:00:00
April 07, 2020 20:00:00
April 08, 2020 20:00:00
Work's characters list
Haydar, le père
Meryem, la mère
Matteo, un camionneur
Un policier
Un bureaucrate
Un passeur
Une Doctoresse