General Information
- Production title:Récital Lisette Oropesa - Gstaad New Year Music Festival (2020)
- Creation date:02/01/2020
- Work - Composer:Récital - Compositeurs divers
- Opera house:Gstaad New Year Music Festival
Eglise de Rougemont
Piano : Natalia Morozova
Program :
Händel: V’adoro pupille (I adore you, eyes)
from Giulio Cesare
Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade
(Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel), Op. 2, D 118,
An die Musik, (To Music) D.547, Suleika, D.720,
Rastlose Liebe, (Restless Love) D.138.
Schumann: Lieder - Widmung - Schöne Wiege
Rossini: Come dolce all’alma mia (How sweet is
the sound of your voice to my soul) from Tancredi.
Luna Carné: De España vengo from El niño judío
Debussy: Romance, Beau soir, Noël des enfants qui n’ont
plus de maison.
Richard Strauss: Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op.67:
I - Wie erkenn’ ich mein Treulieb (How shall I know my true love?),
II - Guten Morgen, ‘s ist Sankt Valentinstag (Good morning,
it is St Valentine’s day),
III - Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss (They bore him barefaced
on the bier, from Shakespeare’s Hamlet).
Massenet: Gavotte, Air No.17, from Manon.
More information is available on the official website of the festival.
January 02, 2020 19:00:00
Work's characters list