Transfiguré - Nice Opera house (2024) - Transfiguré - Opéra Nice Côte d'Azur (2024)

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General Information

  • Production title:Transfiguré - Opéra Nice Côte d'Azur (2024)
  • Creation date:06/12/2024
  • Work - Composer:Récital - Compositeurs divers
  • Opera house:Opéra Nice Côte d'Azur.


"Founder of the Second Viennese School, Arnold Schönberg opened music to a new modernity. The twelve stations of this show are as many snapshots of the life and career of this extraordinary genius.

A radical renovator of musical thought, Arnold Schönberg opened a new aesthetic era, bringing in his wake some emulators (Berg, Webern) but also violent oppositions. A more sensitive artist than one might think, a theoretician but above all a poet of sounds (and of colors, moreover: he was also a painter!), he was described as a "degenerate" by the Nazi regime, and had to emigrate to the United States. With these twelve stations, like the twelve sounds of the scale that structure his dodecaphonic system, we invite you on a journey through the kaleidoscope of a creation in perpetual transfiguration: from Pelléas et Mélisande to Erwartung, from Pierrot Lunaire to the Piano Concerto, in the most more diverse (the orchestra, the lied, the piano...), it is the whole colorful universe of this unique creator that we are invited to discover."

More information is available on the official website of the opera house.


December 06, 2024 20:00:00


Bertrand Bonello

Johanna Malangré

Sarah Aristidou

Work's characters list




